Saturday, December 21, 2019

Frankenstein, By Mary Shelley - 1984 Words

The creature looks into the cottage as he has done so many times before and ponders on his discoveries. He says to himself again and again What am I? Why don’t I have any friends, a family, or any human interaction? He longed for a father that watched him in his infant days and a mother that blessed him with smiles and caresses. The creature is forced to be exiled by humans and lives in the world alone. He learns about life and language by watching from afar as a result of Victor Frankenstein abandoning him immediately after giving him life. On first impression of the character Frankenstein in the novel Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, she paints him to have lived a happy childhood that sets him up for a promising fulfilled future. However,†¦show more content†¦Consequently, it was his mother’s idea to adopt his sister Elizabeth into the family hoping to bring joy into Victor s life. Caroline in an excited manner says, ‘I have a pretty present for my Victor —tomorrow he shall have it.’ And when, on the morrow, she presented Elizabeth to me as her promised gift, I, with childish seriousness, interpreted her words literally and looked upon Elizabeth as mine—mine to protect, love, and cherish† (37). It may seem odd that a mother would adopt a daughter for her son to marry, but she did this out of love and a way to express to Victor she cared about his future and his happiness. Eventually, Victor came to understand this happiness was rooted by the way his parents a raised him. Victor, coming to this realization says, â€Å"The innocent and helpless creature bestowed on them by heaven, whom to bring up to good, and whose future lot it was in their hands to direct to happiness or misery, according as they fulfilled their duties towards me† (35). The â€Å"direct[ion] to happiness or misery† is a control that is important for a parent to realize early on if there is a desire to become what is considered a good parent. Every action, the good and the bad, have consequences. Above all it is clearly expressed, across all nations, that a child must never be left alone to fend for itself and has a right to posses relationships with others and obtain food, water, love, and shelter. Victor hadShow MoreRelatedFrankenstein, By Mary Shelley1650 Words   |  7 Pagesbook of Frankenstein does one just think of a mythical science fiction book that really has no meaning? Frankenstein can have numerous meanings depending on how a person perceives it. Frankenstein can be analyzed into many themes; some say religion, feminism, or scientific symbolization, it all depends on ones own perception. When one analyzes further into Mary Shelly’s life and then interprets the novel it is obvious that is a sociological theme. One can simply assume that Mary Shelley creates FrankensteinRead MoreFrankenstein by Mary Shelley1093 Words   |  4 Pagesfaster than man can contend with. That argument is the premises, moral, and plot base for Mary Shelleys tale Frankenstein. On the other hand, J. Michael Bishops, essay Enemies of Promise   on the other hand promotes and boast sciences achievements. However, Mary Shelley presents her point of view subtly yet very dramatically, which is much more effective than that of J. Michael Bishop. The dramatic story Shelley creates becomes a part of the reader, therefore holding the readers attention. Shelley sRead MoreMary Shelley Frankenstein859 Words   |  4 Pages Mary Shelley The Creature in Mary Shelley’s â€Å"Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus† needs a companionship as every ordinary human. Every man needs a woman, who will able to share moments of happiness and sadness, a woman who will be able to share thoughts and of course a woman who will be able to love a man. In this case the Creature needs a bride. But the problem is that the Creature from the â€Å"Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus† is not a human. SoRead MoreFrankenstein, by Mary Shelley1138 Words   |  5 PagesIs Frankenstein a man, whose ambition led to a disaster; or a monster, which created a life with disregard for the human race? Frankenstein, in my opinion, was the monster not the life that he had created. Frankenstein never admitted to his family what he had done, never admitted responsibility for his actions. He might as well have killed Elizabeth, William, Justine, and Clerval with his own hand. The so called â€Å"Monster† only wanted companionship; he did not want to murder those people. TheRead MoreFrankenstein, By Mary Shelley1325 Words   |  6 PagesI have been informed that you are pushing to remove the book Frankenstein by Mary Shelley from the school curriculum. I’ve decided to write to you and explain why I believe that you are misinformed, and in fact, why this is a huge importance to the students of today. Frankenstein is a classic which recounts the life and horrors of Victor Frankenstein, as told through a series of letters and narrations. His obsession with the natural world and science brings him to a state of mind which ultimatelyRead MoreFrankenstein, By Mary Shelley1580 Words   |  7 PagesFrankenstein by Mary Shelley is a sci-fi novel written during the Romantic Movement in Britain’s early nineteenth century. The movement was stimulated by the French Revolution, Industrial Revolution and in reaction against the emphasis on reason in eighteenth-century Enlightenment philosophy (The Romantic Movement, 2014 ). Mary Shelley’s husband, Percy Shelley was also a romantic poet during the movement. Shelley’s novel is evidently influenced by her relationship with her husband, which is illustratedRead MoreFrankenstein by Mary Shelley739 Words   |  3 Pagesinterconnections of humanity, nature, and divinity (â€Å"Romanticism 1†). English Romanticism being trendy in Europe, people would vent their outlooks onto their personal fiction works such as Mary Shelley. Shelley uses vivid creativity and romantic elements to create one of her admired novels, Frankenstein. In Shelley’s novel, Frankenstein, most of the characters prove their compassion for mankind, prove their rejection of technology and science, and prove their involvement in a romantic quest. These several characteristicsRead MoreFrankenstein, By Mary Shelley1040 Words   |  5 Pages In 1818, a book titled Frankenstein was published anonymously, mysteriously dedicated to William Godwin, a prominent journal ist and political philosopher of his time. The immediate reviews of the novel were mixed, most edging towards critical, although no one knew who the book was written by. However, while Frankenstein failed to gain popularity immediately, no one had any idea the lasting impact this novel would have on the world. Despite the lukewarm reception at its debut, it soon proved to beRead MoreFrankenstein, by Mary Shelley1078 Words   |  5 PagesMary Shelley’s Frankenstein has undoubtedly withstood the test of time. Frankenstein’s direct association with fundamental Gothic literature is extremely renowned. However, the novel’s originality is derived from the foundational thematic values found within the relationship (or lack there of) between Victor Frankenstein and the monster he had created, in combination with a fascinatingly captivating plot. Understandably, Frankenstein can often be associated with a multitude of concepts; however,Read MoreFrankenstein, By Mary She lley1532 Words   |  7 PagesLike any author, especially one who created a new genre, there will be criticism, and Shelley is no exception. Shelley received criticism surrounding Frankenstein not only because she was a female writer, but because of her writing style. Originally, Frankenstein was published anonymously and was thought that her husband, Percy Shelley, wrote it (â€Å"Mary Shelley Biography† 2016). Shelley may have published Frankenstein anonymously because â€Å"’women understood that they got a â€Å"better hearing† if it was thought

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