Friday, February 28, 2020

Field Work and Data Collection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Field Work and Data Collection - Essay Example 2.1 Methodology The methodology used in this study is a survey and relevant research. 2.2 Tool Used A questionnaire has been prepared and other relevant information will be obtained from different sources like journals, newspapers, magazines and articles. 2.3 Rationale of Questionnaire and Other Sources Used The research method that has been used in this study in order to achieve the above mentioned objective is a questionnaire (Appendix – 1). The questionnaire consists of 16 questions that are predominantly closed-ended in nature and it has been prepared for the participants who have the willingness to participate in the same. The main focus of preparing the questions mentioned in the questionnaire was to address the issue of prevailing economic scenario and how it has affected the people. In other words, the questions have been constructed to measure the effect of and related adjustments to the GFC. Closed-ended questions were preferred over open-ended questions because the questions could be easily categorised and is quantifiable (Bechman, 2005). Moreover, closed-ended questions can be analysed easily. ... The responses of closed-ended questions are more reliable and the turnaround time is less. It implies participants have to devote less time while answering the questionnaire and there is less chance of false replies being recorded (Seibert, 2002). The main objective of this questionnaire is to identify the responses of the questions based on this study. This would help in achieving the objectives of this study too. Hence, the main focus of the questionnaire is to find the impact of the present economic scenario on how people are spending their money, particularly in groceries. Whether people have changed from where they used to shop before and have shifted to discounted stores because of the recession or have they remained loyal to large supermarkets and the reasons behind such changes, are all addressed in the questionnaire. Hence, the questionnaire used as a tool in this study was quite effective in collecting data in quick time. It was also cost effective and large volume of data was gathered quite efficiently. A random sample selection procedure was used to design the sample and in total 150 responses was collected from people in the nearby local supermarket. 50 questionnaires each were distributed to Sainsbury, Tesco and Morrison shopkeepers respectively. Since the questions were closed-ended, people were comfortable answering the questionnaire. Moreover data collection was over in quick time because customers did not have to ponder over or think much before giving their reply to the questionnaire. The questionnaire that has been prepared is mentioned below. Proper justifications and the reasons behind asking such questions have also been explained. 1. Which grocery shop is preferred by you mostly? Sainsbury†¦..

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